Grow Mechanical


Bolt flange selection chart

Bolt flange selection chart In this chapter Pipe flange dimensions and details will be covered in ASME B16.5 – In this standard, consider Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings for size NPS ½” to 24”. More than 24″, from NPS 26” to 60”  should be in ASME B16.47. Here only given details for 150 and 300 […]

How To Select Shaft Coupling | Grow Mechanical

Shaft Coupling Shaft coupling is a mechanical element which is in two halves and that is used to connect the two different machines. These mechanics may pump and motor, pump and turbine, pump and gearbox and motor as per use requirement. Its selection plays a very important role for equipment reliability and availability for operation.

What are the gear coupling and application

 What are the gear couplings?  Gear coupling Gear couplings are the type of flexible coupling and mostly use for high torque transmission for heavy machinery (positive displacement pump, gearbox, pump) and excess speed application as well. This type of coupling designed to transmit torque between two non-collinear equipment shafts, and with the help of two

How to install grid coupling

Installation guide for grid Coupling The installation guide for grid coupling provided by the manufacturer, in which torque settings for tightening of the set screws and bolts are also described within it. Some installations guide may contain additional data and dimensional information as well. The grid coupling is the assembly of two shaft hubs, grid,

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 Write for us Write for us @, contribute to mechanical society and improve your knowledge and skill yourself with write with us. will provide a professional platform for a ton of people to exchange ideas and to improve our understanding of mechanical Engineering. Our audience is fixed only related to mechanical, consisting of

Working Principle of Fluid Coupling Work

What is fluid coupling? A fluid coupling or hydraulic coupling is a hydrodynamic or hydrokinetic equipment that can transmit power and torque with the help of liquid (hydraulic oil). It belongs to the category of flexible coupling power transmission. This is based on hydrodynamic torque transmission device. It is the assembly of pump impeller, casing

What is rigid coupling

 What is rigid coupling? Rigid coupling Rigid coupling is used only whenever the misalignment between equipment shafts is very less or no misalignment is present in the system. When the equipment is appropriate to carry the reactionary load produced from trying to flex rigid couplings. This type of coupling mostly prefers for vertical applications such

What is flexible coupling | Types | Selection

What is flexible coupling? Flexible coupling is a type of coupling which is used for transmitting torque, power and connecting two different rotating machine shafts. Which are compensated for end movement of the shaft and rotate at the same speed. It will also compensate for a little amount of misalignment (Angular and parallel) between both

Interview Questions about Shaft Coupling

Shaft Coupling Shaft coupling is a mechanical device that is used to connect two shafts of two different equipment for transmitting the power and torque. The pump shaft coupling is used with machinery to connect driver and driven equipment and compensate small amounts of misalignment, power and torque transfer. There are many types of shaft

What is submersible pump and selection

What is submersible water pump A submersible water pump is a type of pump specifically designed to operate underwater, submerged within a liquid, usually water. It is designed to effectively and efficiently move water from one location to another, utilizing a hermetically sealed motor to prevent water from entering the pump’s interior. The submersible water

What is centrifugal compressor

Centrifugal compressor (Api 617) The centrifugal compressor is a type of compressor commonly used in various industries for compressing gases. It operates on the principle of dynamic compression, where the kinetic energy of the gas is converted into pressure energy. The API 617 is a standard published by the American Petroleum Institute (API) that provides

Great application of butterfly valve – API 609

 Butterfly valve (API 609) Butterfly valve is also called a quarter turn valve, this type of valve used for shutoff, regulating and starting the flow. The operation is either in open condition or fully closed of the disc in side body. In some applications it is also used as an alternative to a ball or

Grow Mechanical